Sep. 2024: Our paper was accepted at NeurIPS2024!
Sep. 2024: Our paper was accepted at Computers in Biology and Medicine!
Sep. 2024: Our papers were accepted at EMNLP Findings and EMNLP Workshop!
Sep. 2024: Taero Kim was selected as a University of Toronto AI Program Scholarship Recipient!
Aug. 2024: Joonseong Kang and Gyeongdeok Seo have been selected as the recipients of the NRF Fellowship for master students!
July. 2024: Our paper was accepted at IEEE Sensors!
Aug. 2024: Jinho Kang received the Best Paper Honorable Mention Award at IJCAI 2024 Workshop!
July. 2024: Our paper was accepted at Applied Intelligence!
July. 2024: Our paper was accepted at Journal of Big Data!
July. 2024: Our paper was accepted at ECAI2024!
July. 2024: Our paper was accepted at ECCV2024!
June. 2024: Our nine papers were accepted at IJCAI 2024 Workshop!
June. 2024: Jeyoon Yeom and Taero Kim are going to visit the Australian National University for a research collaboration!
May. 2024: Our paper was accepted at Pattern Recognition Letters!
Apr. 2024: Our paper was accepted at Expert Systems With Applications!
Mar. 2024: Seonggyun Lee have been selected as the recipients of the NRF Fellowship for master students!
Mar. 2024: Changdae Oh has been accepted into NAVER Research Internship Program!
Mar. 2024: Jinho Kang, Hakyung Lee were selected as a CMU advanced AI Program Scholarship Recipient!
Mar. 2024: Joonseong Kang, Subeen Park, Youngjun Choi, Seonggyun Lee, and Gyeongdeok Seo joined our Lab!
Feb. 2024: Our paper was accepted at Pattern Recognition!
Feb. 2024: Seonggyun Lee and Gyeongdeok Seo have been selected as a scholarship recipient of the Yongwoon Scholarship Foundation!
Feb. 2024: Our paper was accepted at CVPR2024!
Jan. 2024: Our dataset (collaboration with 120 Dasan) has been published on the Seoul Open Data Plaza!
Nov. 2023: We received an Outstanding Paper Award from the K-DS Conference!
Nov. 2023: We received an Outstanding Paper Award from the Korean AI Association!
Nov. 2023: Our paper was accepted at Heliyon!
Nov. 2023: Jihee Kim joined our Lab!
Oct. 2023: Our paper was accepted at NeurIPS Workshop 2023!
Sep. 2023: Our paper was accepted at NeurIPS 2023!
July. 2023: Our papers were accepted at ECAI, IEEE Access and Scientific Reports!
Apr. 2023: Our one paper was accepted at ICML 2023!
Mar. 2023: Changdae Oh was selected as a CMU advanced AI Program Scholarship Recipient.
Mar. 2023: Our one paper was accepted at CVPR 2023!
Mar. 2022: Joo-Wang Kim, Jinho Kang, Je Yoon Yeom, Hakyung Lee, and Sooyon Kim joined our Lab!
Jan. 2023: I am joining the Department of Applied Statistics @ Yonsei University as an assistant professor in 2023!
Jan. 2023: I received an AI technology award from University of Seoul!
Sep. 2022: Our one paper was accepted at NeurIPS 2022!
Jul. 2022: Our one paper was accepted at ICML 2022 Workshop!
May. 2022: Our one paper was accepted at KDD 2022!
May. 2022: Our three papers were accepted at ICML 2022!
Mar. 2022: Our tutorial proposal was accepted at FAccT 2022!
Mar. 2022: Changdae Oh, Taero Kim, Yewon Kim, Hoyoon Byun, Yongtaek Lim joined our Lab!
Dec. 2021: I received an AI technology award from University of Seoul!
Sep. 2021: Our one paper was accepted at NeurIPS 2021!
July. 2021: We received an Outstanding Paper Award from the Korean AI Association!
Mar. 2021: I started working at the University of Seoul as an Assistant Professor!
Dec. 2020: Our two papers were accepted at AAAI 2021!
Nov. 2020: I successfully defended my Ph.D. thesis!
Sep. 2020: Our one paper was accepted at Findings of EMNLP 2020!
Jul. 2020: Our one paper was accepted at CIKM 2020!
Apr. 2020: Our one paper was accepted at IJCAI-PRICAI 2020 Doctoral Consortium!
Nov. 2019: Our three papers were accepted at AAAI 2020!
Nov. 2018: Our two papers were accepted at AAAI 2019!